The APA Emerging Journalist Award is designed to honor and recognize outstanding service and accomplishments of a young journalist in Alabama.

The inaugural Emerging Journalist Award took place at the 2018 Winter Convention. 

Click here to view the 2025 nomination form and award criteria.


This award may be given to any person who, at the time of selection, is a living, present journalist under the age of 30, having less than five years of experience in the field. Nominees must have spent a significant percentage of their newspaper career in Alabama. Please provide any information you think will be helpful in deciding the inductees for next year, plus any additional letters of recommendation to assist the committee. For a nominee to be considered, you must attach biographical information. Include a photo of the nominee if available.

Additional criteria to consider:

Length of service in industry/state: maximum 5 years

30 years of age or younger

No restriction on “area” of service, i.e. production, editorial, advertising, circulation

The award will be presented at the Winter Convention and time allotted for a response from the recipient


The 2018 inductee was Will Whaley of the Jackson County Sentinel.

The 2019 inductee was Ethan Van Sice of The Wilcox Progressive Era.

The 2020 inductee was Taylor Beck of the Sand Mountain Reporter.

The 2022 inductee was Katie Bohannon of The Messenger in Gadsden.

For more information, contact Felicia Mason at 1-205-871-7737.


2180 Parkway Lake Dr.
Birmingham, AL 35244
Phone: 205.871.7737
Fax: 205.871.7740