Alabama Newspaper Network
Click Here to view the ANAS Media Kit.
APA’s newspaper network offers economies of scale you can’t find anywhere else. Reach over 700,000 households in Alabama with one call. That’s over 1 million readers!
Choose a 2×2, 2×3, or 2×4 ad size to run in main news, local, business, sports, or lifestyle section of almost every newspaper in Alabama. Run statewide or choose north, central or south region of Alabama to target your message even more. If you’ve been reluctant to try print advertising, this Network program will show you the power of newspaper at an unbelievable price. It’s also the perfect bolster to a current campaign, and keeps your business in front of your customers and ahead of your competition.
Every state has a similar program, and we can place for you in other states at the same rates it would cost you to place direct! Ask us for rates for any other state in the country.
How it works:
Your ad runs one time in each participating newspaper during the week you choose. Dailies choose which day of the week, depending on availability. Weeklies publish on the day they come out.
- Cost: Payment in advance is required by credit card, money order, or you may place through your local, participating newspaper.
- Deadline: Monday. 5p.m. for ad to start the following week.
- Newspapers/circulation: 125 daily and weekly newspapers in Alabama reaching over 700,000 households. See map on other side for locations of these papers and regions.
- Size/Specs: Ads should be submitted in four (4) different formats to accommodate all papers (or we’ll be happy to help you design the ad). All ads must be black and white. Sizing: 4.25”w, 3.792”w, 3.56”w, and 3.22”w x 2, 3 or 4”d depending on size you choose.
- Pub Day: Participating newspapers choose which day of the week they publish your ad, but your ad will run one time in each paper during the designated week(s).
- Positioning: Participating newspapers will place your ad in any retail (non-classified) news section of the paper.
- Color is not available for these ads. Section placement is up to each newspaper according to availability.
- Proof: ANAS can provide sample tearsheets if requested. ANAS monitors each newspaper participating in the network. We guarantee your ad will run in at least 90% of the participating papers.
Standards of Acceptance
Advertising will be rejected if it appears to be false, misleading, fraudulent, libelous, defamatory, illegal, in poor taste, in objectionable format, or for other good cause. Individual newspapers reserve the right to properly classify, edit or reject advertising in compliance with local regulations and policies.